Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Last night and next week!

Just Passed!(Nov.16th): Swimming at the South London Community Pool!!! Water climbing wall, slide, some boys chasing girls, girls pushing guys into the pool, some pool-lounging, and some 500-up...good times.

Also talked about the fact that we as Chistians should be bringing God's Word with us wherever we memorizing parts of it!
We mentioned a couple of great scriptures to keep in mind as we go about our 'everyday':
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." (Psalm 23:1)  This is a great verse for guys to keep in mind as our 'want' list tends to get quite long, quite quickly. As we realize that God makes sure we have the things we need, it releases us from having to compete against everyone around us just for the coolest stuff or thinking that we have to provide for our needs all on our own.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.” (Psalm 139:14,15)  We see this scripture as HUGE for girls.  Society is often telling girls that they need to look a certain way that if they don't, they won't fit in.  As you remember that God has thought about making you exactly the way you are (and He can line up planets, create life, etc), He must have gotten you just the way He wants you!
It's so important for us to take scripture with us because, not only is it modeled in the Bible as something we should do ("I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11), but quite often it's the only thing that's truly going to work against Satan trying to get us to want more things and to think that what we look like is far from anything anyone would desire.

Next Event (Nov.23rd): we're going to be handing out flyers to the neighborhood to let them know that the following week (Nov.30th) we'll be coming around collecting non-perishable food items for the London Food Bank.  So, don't forget sweaters, jackets, hat, mits...whatever you need to stay warm as we go door-to-door!  The chat on the 23rd will be another one of the Spiritual Disciplines: Keeping a Journal/Log.

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