Thursday, February 24, 2011

This past Tuesday we talked about setting a standard for the people we accept as our close friends.  Here are the starting lists for the guys and the girls:
Girls - Trustworthy, Loyal (no gossiping, will defend you), Good Influence (language), Understanding and Respectful.
Guys - Common Sense, Caring, Truthful, Loyal, Common Interests (Christian).

As lamborghini and maybach are ultimate car makers, you've been made by the Ultimate're worth setting a standard for who you'll hangout with and let influence you!
So use these as Targets...see if your close friends get a bullzeye or if they even get close!
"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Fleetway last night!!! Mini-golf, bowling, hurricane simulators, prizes, way too much candy, and dairy queen...great night!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Last night: Drop-in! People-Alphabet! Ping-Pong Bounce! High Roller! And a talk about choosing Wise friends...not settling for Foolish ones!
Next week: Fleetway! $12 each gets you a round of mini-putt and a game of bowling...prizes for top three in each! 7-9pm, meet there!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feb 1st, 2011

Well, we had a crazy night last night.  We talked about being Under the Influence of friends and played a bunch of games: dodgeball, european handball, steal the bacon....and it's pronounced "ICE CREAM" courtney ;)